every jail and prison across the country. their parents were part of a raid, a plant, someone under investigation by i.c.e. and they were found to be under violation of immigration laws and by law this administration brought them into custody and gave them their due process and they will have their day in court. >> elliott, seeing the images of sobbing kids in a parking lot looking for their parents it is heart breaking. your a former assistant director of i.c.e. is this common practice? >> look, the whole idea these are laws and we're just enforcing the laws is the biggest red herring there is. look, marijuana enforcement across the united states is self-indicative of the fact the government can choose not to enforce the law or can choose to enforce the law in a more humane manner. and the simple fact is this particular investigation, this criminal investigation did not require the arrests of over 600 people. if i.c.e. was conducting a