town halls. warren says in no uncertain terms that he agrees with former congressman beto o'rourke that the sitting president of the united states is a white supremacist. asked by "the new york times" if she thinks trump is a white supremacist, warren responded without hesitation. yes. he has given aid and comfort to white supremacists. he's done the wink and a nod. he's talked about white supremacists as fine people. he's done everything he can to stir up racial conflict and hatred in this country. here's what she said to reporters about her comments just moments ago in iowa. >> he's a man who cozies up to the white supremacists. he calls them fine fellows. he's talked about trying to get brown people and black people out of this country. he's talked about shithole countries. this is what he's done, the wink and a nod. and he can't have it both ways.