going off your answer there. >> do not mess up. >> my mother raised me to be polite and i intend to be polite. i will express differences and articulate them and certainly point out where we have differences of opinion. because i believe that democrats and the american voter have a right to know that. but there is no reason we can't be polite. >> reporter: and the usage of the word "polite" is in response to what joe biden said last week saying, wolf, that he will not be so polite in the debate this time. wolf. >> kyung lah, thank you very much reporting for us. mia, after the first debate, senator kamala harris, she got a nice little bump. do you anticipate she'll get another bump tomorrow. >> it depends on how she does. she got a seven point bounce, up to number two in the debate right behind joe biden. she had a 19 points or something and at about 12 points now and in this latest quinnipiac poll. that has always been the