lot of republican politicians. but i think one of the things we should note is that his rating on the economy and people's sense of the economy is much higher than their estimation of him and i think the reason for that is his personal behavior. >> you think this is going to continue between now and november of 2020? this kind of assault. >> i think that is right. if we look back to 2015, as he was launching his campaign, this is the kind of rhetoric he employed through his campaign and the idea of build the wall and banning muslim and those are the chants that got the loudest applause, became a chant, the build the wall idea. and so, yeah, i think he thinks it works. as you said it comes to him instinctually and that is who he's been for many decades. if you go back to the history even in new york, this is who he is, this is where he lives. he gets feedback and sort of support from the chattering classes of conservatives whether it is on fox or russia limbaugh