we probably need so me to see m that if joe biden. it's somebody who's presenting not just i can punch trump, i have a better option if you open my door. go ahead. >> sorry. toi i want to say also, to push bark on your point a little bit, i don't think it's just someone who can present a better vision for the future in absence of what they've done in the past. i think that now you have even a new group of voters that didn't vote the last election or the election before who had parents who were incarcerated because of that crime bill. who had uncles, cousins, big brothers, big sisters, incarcerated. they have personally been impacted by policy that joe biden was at the forefront of leading. that makes it so that your future prescriptions have to align somewhat with the person you have become up to this point. >> and can i -- i agree with angela. one of the things that is driving me mad in this presidential primary is that when you talk about somebody's record, oh, my god, it's an attack, it's a circular firing