hickenlooper, former colorado governor, former denver mayor. he will take the stage on tuesday, july 30th, the first night in detroit. and we are now here on our 7th name, john delaney, former maryland congressman, was once the youngest ceo on the new york stock exchange, and he is going to be on the stage the first night as well, tuesday, july 30th. eighth name that we're drawing here, kirsten gillibrand, senator from new york, initially appointed to that seat when hillary clinton vacated it to be secretary of state. she will be on the stage wednesday, july 31st. and ninth, marianne williamson, spiritual and motivational speaker and author with several best-sellers to her name. you'll see her appearing tuesday, july 30th, the first night. and that leaves us with jay inslee, washington state governor who has successfully

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Stage ,Night ,July 30th ,Detroit ,Governor ,Colorado ,Mayor ,Denver ,7th ,Tuesday July 30th ,30 ,7 ,Go Bold In Center Stage ,Name ,John Delaney ,First Night Tuesday ,Maryland ,Congressman ,Well ,Ceo ,New York Stock Exchange ,July 31st ,Senator ,Kirsten Gillibrand ,Mary Ann Williamson ,Hillary Clinton ,New York ,Seat ,Secretary Of State ,Ninth ,31 ,Wednesday July 31st ,Jay Inslee ,In Washington ,Speaker ,Us ,

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