article. a lot of these women trying again to do something no woman has managed to do, but also talking about their policies, which is really important. they're trying not to focus on gende gender and what they bring to the table. >> and beto will be out with his family today. will this make a difference for him? >> at this point it's let's try anything that could work to get his numbers back up there. with his daughter molly being the subject of his email recently, he's trying to repackage his purpose for running as being out there for the next generation. so maybe this will stick, i don't know. >> we'll see. eliana, big, big fund-raising numbers for the rnc. $105 million total. >> yeah. in 2020 as opposed to 2016, the candidate will be the same but the campaign and the fund-raising apparatus, you have to remember the president got campaigned against big donors and taking their money.