fierce debates in congress. >> the same people that would vote to cut defense $177 billion, the same ones that would put homos in the military. >> you have insulted thousands of men and women who have put their lives on the line. i think they're owed an apology. >> reporter: ahead of pride month, elizabeth warren and beto o'rourke rolled out platforms including laws protecting lgbtq americans from discrimination. gillibrand highlights her plans rolling back trump administration restrictions on transgender troops serving in the military and halting taxpayer funded adoption centers from discriminating against gay couples. sandy and chris perry witnessed and livered through progress. hopeful their marriage was one but not the last step towards equal rights. >> we have more solidarity than we ever had.

Related Keywords

People ,Lives ,Women ,Line ,Defense ,Men ,Thousands ,Ones ,Debates ,Homos ,Military ,Apology ,Congress ,177 Billion ,Reporter ,Ahead Of Pride Month ,Laws ,Platforms ,Discrimination ,Lgbtq Americans ,Elizabeth Warren ,Betoo Rourke ,Administration ,Back ,Gillibrand ,Restrictions ,Taxpayer ,Troops ,Adoption ,Gay Couples ,Rights ,Step ,Progress ,Sandy ,Marriage ,Olive Red ,Solidarity ,Chris Perry ,One ,

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