we are luckily talking about it as such. but again, this is that notion when you give it attention are you in fact rewarding him for the stunt that's something we still two years into the presidency grapple with and don't have a good answer for. >> katie your thoughts on that? >> i mean, i think that he is so focused on his press and focused on his media that i don't think he can see beyond -- i'm stepping over the line and meeting with kim jong-un. he sent me lovely letters, why can't the press just understand what this means? he is a leader who relies 1067 on -- he thinks he relies so much on his personal relationship and his charisma with these leaders. he really does believe that i can forge a bond with these leaders like no other leader can. and that's part of the second beat of -- this is such an amazing thing i'm doing, but none of you care. >> the new white house press

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