about it. we've had a president who in a single day tweeted iran is in big trouble. no, they're not in trouble because it wasn't intentional. yes, i'm going to strike you. no, i'm not going to strike you, all in 24 hours. and so if you're a deference planner in tehran, what are you supposed to conclude? are you supposed to think that the u.s. is really tough -- mr. trump is super tough or is he a softy because he backs down? we've seen this as a pattern, tough talk, even tough actions followed by softness and sweetness and light. what i'm conditionered about is miscalculation. a defense planner might conclude in tehran these guys don't mean anything they say. they say stuff all the time and don't do anything. what does iran do? something stupid and that leads to escalation and a conflict. that's what i'm worried about. >> if you're going to hurt iran, squeeze iran so much economically that it has to act, right, its average citizens, we heard from fred pleitgen in tehran, are feeling the pain.