>> if i could ask you, and i know it's difficult to see and maneuver. the other question certainly there's a possibility if this helicopter went into this building that something may have rained down on to the street. it appears based on what you're describing that that does not appear to be the case. >> reporter: yeah. we don't see anything like you said, raining down. that was when we were driving here and we knew to go to 51st and 7th, we were looking up in the sky looking to follow a path, but there wasn't anything visibly from the street that we could see, at least on the way here or here right now. i mean, the air doesn't feel or smell or seem any different than what it would be on a normal rainy day here. a lot of people even around me kind of looking up trying to figure out what's going on with their umbrellas as the police continue to expand the crime scene tape and make the scene larger and larger for fewer and fewer people to get through. we have people directing