before you said you didn't care if mueller testifies. >> let me tell you, he made such a fool out of himself the last time she -- because what people don't report is the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony because his testimony was wrong. >> nothing the president said there is true. mueller has not testified. the entire debate right now is about whether and when he will. so let's discuss now, joining me now is philip bump, matthew rosenberg, and also april ryan. good evening to all of you. by the way, april is the author of "under fire: reporting from the front lines of the trump white house." again, hello to everyone. philip, i'm going to start with you because you just heard president trump, he's yards away from the graves of the american heroes, anniversary of d-day. he called a vietnam veteran a fool. i mean, what is the point of continuing this bash of robert mueller? >> i mean, it's a great question. i mean, especially because if you think about it, he's actually already won this fight with robert mueller. i mean, he spent two years, the entire duration of the mueller probe, essentially, undercutting