four or five seats. >> but at the time it was enough that newt gingrich had the step down. but i still they, again, there is no way you can really predict, but i think if you're looking at what people are is rolling, the average american tends to tune out this noise in washington. they tend to say this is what people do. >> they've got a little league game tonight, no one was talking about it. >> they say this is what they do. that go and investigate each other and go after each other, and it's not what they're paying attention to. i think nancy pelosi's calculus is that's not how you beat donald trump. so, again, it doesn't mean that you can't do the investigations, and it doesn't mean that down the road they couldn't pursue that if it looked like. >> right. >> but the biggest thing is so you do that and what, the senate doesn't convict? >> but in fact they are taking significant steps. on tuesday democrats will bring to the floor the contempt resolution against attorney general barr and white house council mcgahn. there will be significant hearings most of next week in the judiciary committee. the intelligence committee has laid out a week's worth of