oversight function alone and is it tied enough they need all of these details for legislation. they can simply say, the constitution guarantees the right to have oversight and accountability in the executive branch of goth. we're doing just that. but remember, again, as we're saying, this is a political process. and political processes don't have the same level of common sense, perhaps, as the judicial process going on. >> let's get to some other sensitive political issues. and gloria, the former vice president, joe biden, the democratic presidential front-runner right now, he's facing some heat from some of his democratic presidential rivals over biden's support for what's called the hyde amendment, which prohibits federal funds from funding abortion with a few exceptions. is this going to be troubling for the democratic front-runner? >> well, it's going to be troubling very much so in the primaries. and you can see that bernie sanders has tweeted about it, kirsten gillibrand has tweeted about it, jay inslee has tweeted about it, beto o'rourke has tweeted about it. there grow.