effect. after netflix spoke out, the companies did as well, the power of netflix in the whole new world. what's going on here, we are seeing economic pressure, not economic boycott yet. these companies don't want to leave georgia. tax breaks are generous. a lot better to make big, expensive movies but they are seeing what their stars and producers are seeing. that's what this is about. if you're an a-list or movie actor therks can produce anywhere in the world. they can be liberals or hard working type that's do not want to associate themselves or spend money in red states. this is an example of blue and red states drifting further apart, can't get further divided, this is one of those examples. >> if you're watching and maybe there's people who say it's just hollywood. they're always going to give us these liberal opinions. why should i listen to what a movie star says or producer, but this is a lot of money for the