i'm not a citizen of a tribe. >> were there any benefits to that? >> no. "boston globe" did a full investigation. >> kind of like the original rachel dolezal, a little bit. a white woman pretending to be black. >> this is what i learned from my family. >> okay. we're back around the table. nia, we were talking about this during the break. >> i thought the rachel dolezal comparison was a real lo blow. this is a woman who painted her skin, darkened her skin and got a perm and passed ford black and was completely white and elizabeth warren, you know, i sort of put it in the context of elizabeth warren, from oklahoma, a southern state. a lot of people claim native ancestry, are bill clinton did, johnny depp did as well, billy ray coronavirus. that's what the family lore. is that does remind us of an issue that had been dogging elizabeth warren. the president obviously has