conclusion was he wasn't exonerating the president, but he wasn't finding a crime either. i'm just trying to state the bottom line. >> "i was just trying to state the bottom line." >> and also added another bottom line, which was saying that rod rosenstein and i have determined that because there was no underlying crime, he could not have obstructed justice. when you read the report, there are certain -- in every instance of possible obstruction, the mueller team laid out evidence for, evidence against. there were a couple of incidents, one involving corey lewandowski, one involving don mcgahn about -- related to a "new york times" story that he wanted mcgahn to refute and with corey lewandowski, he wanted to play some role in firing jeff sessions, reporting that we had done -- corey lewandowski, private citizen, reporting that "the times" had done a couple of months earlier, that had found some similar instances. in those cases, in the mueller report -- and again, i still wonder how much of the public has actually read it -- there was not a whole lot of count