polluting haves and storm-surviving have-nots is only going to get wider. after harvey flooded motiva and other refineries, the trump administration fast-tracked almost $4 billion to build storm barriers specifically to protect oil and gas facilities. but the predominantly black houston neighborhoods flooded by harvey can't even get the government funding to upgrade their storm drains. >> because she was on the back of the dread site as well as the water not being able to drain off, her house got about four feet of water. >> is that right here? >> right. >> reporter: residents say they are invisible to disaster planners while insurance premiums skyrocket. >> those communities that get hit first, worst, and hardest should receive the aid, the assistance first. >> mm-hmm. >> it shouldn't be in the back of the line. but right now it's the back of the line, the back of the bus. >> reporter: so a generation after the fight for civil rights, they now call for climate justice.