>> how so? >> she takes such a different tact than he does. she's doing something i think much more withering, it's how she's getting under his skin, she is pitying at him. poking at his potency. poor thing, you need prayer, you need intervention and i guarantee you that's driving him nuts. >> april, let's bring you in, you're there all the time and you're closer, you know, at least in proximity than most of us. so we saw the rant. what are your sources telling you, what are you seeing about this unrattling we're all witnessing? >> well, my sources are telling me, and i mean sources very close to the president in the inner circle, they're telling me not only did the president get upset about the cover-up, but what was worse was the fact that nancy pelosi said i pray for the president. i couldn't believe that they said the president went ballistic. he felt like she was rebuking him and now the president is