said that i was doing a coverup. i don't do coverups. this whole thing was a take down attempt. >> in fact, the president was an unnamed coconspirator in the hush money case that sent michael cohen to prison for three years. the president brought a poster with several mistakes in it, by the way, the 25 million is really the cost of the investigation, but besides that, that was in the rose garden, slamming the mueller report. pelosi continued her tough talk, though, later in the day, even invoking the "i" word. >> in plain sight in the public d domain, this president is obstructing justice, and he's engaged in a coverup. and that could be an impeachable offense. >> in a letter to her democratic colleagues, pelosi said trump quote had a temper tantrum for us all to see. the president doesn't see it that way tweeting this is not true. i was purposely very polite and