progress. they believe there is an internal irs memo that said you have to release the president's taxes unless he does executive privilege. they won one court case and that will be appealed but her case is let this play out and her argument back is, see, if gets under his skin. keep going. can she hold that with the democratic caucus? it is an interesting question. right now she has control over the congress but not that there is not rumbling. and what set him off. and this is the letter, and infrastructure was dead before the meeting. mick mulvaney convinced the president to retreat and not do 2 pr$2 trillion and so there is something else at play here. look at his twitter feed this morning and yesterday. think back during key moments of the michael cohen investigation or the mueller investigation or other things where the president would be sort of off on the ledge tweeting a tweetstorm for a day or two and we couldn't figure out what it was and something would happen in the investigation and you say there