>> omwe. you have an omwe director. we wrote you a letter about it. >> remember? we pinned a note to your suit about omwe. the note also said, hello, my name is ben and i'm lost. >> do you know what an reo is? >> an oreo? >> not an oreo. an reo. reo. >> real estate -- >> what's the "o" stand for? >> the organization. >> owned. real estate owned. that's what happens when a property goes to foreclosure. we call it an reo. >> i like how he wasn't confident as well. he reminded me of all of us in school. what is the "o"? >> is it a mint milano? is it a doe-si-doe, a pecan sandy, a snickerdoodle. help me out, i'm not a rocket scientist. i'm only a brain surgeon. >> most of that not the