democrats are now saying it's officially time to open impeachment proceedings. that is new. but how many democrats are with them, if house speaker nancy pelosi is still trying to pump the brakes on any movement towards that? joining me right now, let's find ow, democratic congressman andy kim of new jersey joins me. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> you have some democrats who are taking a new position today. they're saying today has been a tipping point. david cicilline saying that don mcgahn's empty chair at this house judiciary hearing is a tipping point for him. it's time to bring impeachment inquiry against the president. is this a tipping point for you? >> for me, i take my cues and my direction from people in my district. so what i keep hearing as i did a town hall this past weekend is continuing to talk about health care, continuing to talk about infrastructure. they're raising questions about what's happening with iran and iraq right now. and these are the questions that i'm focused on here in congress.

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