the climate crisis and we know we can grow jobs because we're doing it today, clean energy jobs are growing twice as fast as the rest of the economy and we need a plan that says we're going to the moon but designs a rocket ship and this plan is the design for an ability to grow a new clean energy economy with jobs across the united states. it is the most robust, comprehensive and detailed plan. go to my site and take a look at the comments of the people who know what they're talking about. this is the full deal. no half measures here. >> it was interesting when i saw it today he has a plan already because a lot of people don't really have their policies up there. at least you -- >> i've been working on this for over a decade and a half. we have to realize, it's like beating fascism and world war ii, we can't have a half win here, we have to have no middle ground, make sure people can get to high ground. >> 82% of democrats find climate change a very important issue