and we know that mueller said there was not a conspiracy, but it certainly looks like they were trying to have those contacts or they were thinking about having those contacts. and the president still has not admitted that russia has interfered with the 2016 election. and so this to me says a lot about what the administration was doing and is a really important point for us to think about. >> and eliott, do they mean anything? the mueller report has already said, as anne mentioned, there was no conspiracy. >> but again, the question was even if there wasn't -- there is an argument to be made there was, but they've made the finding that there wasn't conspiracy. this conduct that we want either a presidential campaign or a president of the united states to have been engaging in? and remember, congress has a different standard than the reasonable doubt standard or probable cause standard that would have driven or dictated the findings made in the mueller report. the ball is in congress' court here. there has been some hand-wringing on their end, but