the report if it's not favor only. his press secretary sarah sanders tweeting saying, that they do not have the report in their hand. that they are simply waiting for the process to play out. victor. >> all right, suzanne malveaux in west palm beach. i've got the same thing you have. it's 6:00 a.m. here. >> yes. all right. thank you so much, suzanne. >> thank you. >> yes, yes. let's bring in the panel now. we've got -- the questions we have to outline here and the answers we're expecting from bill barr. let's bring in the panel we've got with us. cnn reporter, cnn legal analyst and former prosecutor michael zendon here as well. and daniel lippman of the political playbook. let me start with you, michael. i want to start, first, to temper expectations of the first chapter of disclosure from ag