so matthew, there was also the reporting jared kushner spoke to them and sergei about set something up a back channel between the trump transition team and russia and remember, it was kushner who according to the washington post wanted to use russian diplomatic facilities and equipment so they wouldn't be monitored. will we learn what was going on with that? >> you know, again, will we learn from this report? i don't know. we know a lot about that and, you know, is it unseemly? that's unseemly. is it illegal? probably not. doesn't look like it. nobody is being charged in connection with it. that's time and again that you come back to with the mueller investigation. this is about criminal charges. building a criminal conspiracy case is difficult and complicated but all political collections one should ask and americans will get a chance to ask and answer again. >> unanswered questions about two trump associates cooperating with investigators, rick gates and michael flynn.