trump lied? this aide added. and so they, inside mccain world, they are furious with the way the president has been behaving over the last few days, going after john mccain. this is a factual error according to people who work for the late senator. >> has the white house had anything to say about what cindy mccain posted today? >> reporter: no, they haven't. i think it is worth reminding folks, anderson, this is the sort of thing that happens all the time. when the president lashes out at any number of targets. you and i know this, probably as well as a lot of people do. you do take on a barrage of social media attacks from the president's supporters, there is a whole legion of trolls and bots and so on to back up what the president sed says, sometimes those messages get very, very sinister and sometimes violent. i think this is a taste of what the mccain family i guess has gone through. but as for mccain's status as a war hero, you mentioned what