now, i'm giving you time cues because i want you to look at the graph. it shows how the ethiopia airlines flight followed the same erratic pattern to my eye as the lion air jet. okay. and we have bracketed the relevant time section, okay, because, yes, in the beginning it is different. you see an angle of ascent on the top graph that is different than the one on the bottom, but do you see in that same interval in there's a precipitous drop, okay. then you see a flagging pattern and we all know what happened after that. so this is what has alarmed investigators the most as they wait for data from the black boxes. i want to bring in cnn aviation analyst miles o'brian. always a pleasure to see you. >> good to see you. >> a pleasure to have you on the new show. >> yes. >> keep that graph up. am i getting this wrong that those similar segments and drops are worth being worried about? >> absolutely. you have this entirely correct. you don't have to be a rocket scientist.