harry, there's been some slippage for beto the last couple months. >> if we look at the polls, whether they be in iowa with our poll or the national average, back in december he was breaking double digits. that's why a lot of us thought this guy could really go places. look what's happened over the last few months. he's dropped by seven points nationally, he's dropped by six points in iowa, and now he's in fourth or fifth place depending on how you rank the nukes. >> bnumbers. >> but that might have changed. >> this is one of the reasons why we think he might be able to good back up and why we're enthusiastic about his campaign thinking he could rise again. look at the money he was able to raise from individuals in his 2018 senate. he raised $80 million in a field that's going to be a dozen, 15 people where you're going to have to outlast people on the democratic side, the ability to raise money, he raised more than double the next highest frern individual contributors. so we think if he's able to harness that energy, he may be able to rise once again. >> we'll know that in a few days. you'll know that fundraising