myself to the door. someone opened the door and said, what are you doing here? i said, i -- i still alive. and they said, why? you should die. >> omar, your story is so important to hear. thank you so much for talking with us and sharing it. >> thank you. a new investigation tried to president trump, this one stemming from his former attorney and fixer, michael cohen's testimony on the hill. why the new york state attorney general is asking for records related to multiple trump projects. also, stunning details from a brand-new book on ivanka trump and jared kushner revealing how ivanka reportedly had to defend her father after the charlottesville protests. the white house just responded to that book. 's see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain.