the lowest monthly number since september of 2017. unemployment did fall to 3.8%, and you can see the effect on the dow. they're down more than 100 points right now, almost 150. but while the low jobs number is seen as a surprise, it could actually be a positive. it may suggest the economy is simply running out of available workers. and also employers could be switching part-time workers to work full-time. the conways. they're one of the most diverse power couples in washington. kellyanne is a republican counselor to the president, but her husband george is just the opposite. he's a fierce critic of mr. trump and he is not afraid to share his views. today was no exception. cnn's laura jarrett is joining us now. tell us what conway said. >> george conway pulling no punches again in washington on the rule of law, a concept which he says shouldn't be controversial. we should be able to take it for