apparent promise is we will be lesko err sieve, that's not an appealing negotiating strategy. >> in your mind is the united states in a worse position vis-a-vis north korea than a week ago? >> no, to his credit and i was concerned about this, i thought -- you know, the president did walk away. you know, no deal is better than a bad deal and i was concerned that in an effort to do a -- generate a counter distraction to the cohen hearing that he might concede something like agreeing over time to take all u.s. forces off the peninsula, which i think would be a huge blunder. well, he didn't do that. >> do you think it's possible that the cohen hearing as the president suggested contributed to the failure this have summit? >> no, i don't think it had anything to do with it. and it took him two or three days to think that one up. >> the one thing that has disappeared presumably now or apparently for good at least