about it, and i will take him at his word. >> he believes kim jong-un. what went through your head when you heard that? >> well, it's disgraceful after what happened to otto, to an american citizen who was tortured and mistreated in north korea. but also just think about it from a pragmatic perspective. we're trying to disarm north korea. you're not going to do that by believing blindly everything that kim jong-un tells you. if you believe kim jong-un on otto warmbier, you're going to believe him on nuclear weapons and missiles as well. >> in fact, the president has. the president has believed him over intelligence that suggests that there's all sorts of activity still happening in their nuclear realm. >> there does seem to be a pattern here in which the president believes what he is told by powerful people who are accused of moral transgressions, whether it's putin, whether it's mohammad bin salman, the crown prince of saudi arabia, now kim