>> i don't know what you just did there but for a second that was like financial chicken soup for me, so thank you. >> so politics did not come naturally to you and i remember we actually lived in the same apartment building in washington at that time and i remember going over there when people were urging you to run for the senate in massachusetts. it was your husband bruce and otis -- >> our dog. >> your dog, and we talked about it and you made it clear that you were wary of this. you weren't sure that this was the life that you wanted. how did you get from there -- because it's just ten years ago -- from there to here? >> so, i already knew what i wanted to do. i've known what i wanted to do since i was in second grade. i wanted to teach school. david, this is what i've done all my life. i used to line my dollies up. it's all i've ever wanted to do and i love teaching. i just love it.