that seems like a completely different republican party. you had a jeb bush being maligned by donald trump for his low energy. george p. bush is now the texas land commissioner. while he voted for trump, it was with a huge amount of reluctance, and it's well known george w. and george herbert walker bush before he passed weren't fans of trump. so it's a different republican party. and they were so-called globalists, the bush family. they believed in america's relationship with nato and europe in a way that donald trump is much more of a nationalist. and so it's a lot different. there's no populism to the bushes. donald trump ran on a populist agenda. >> yeah, it's obviously quite different, and fascinating to see. all right, doug, thank you so much. i want everyone to know you can see a whole lot of doug. you see him on our network and our show, but he's a big part of this big show, the cnn original series called the bush years, and it premieres sunday night