warmbier then died. it is stunning for president trump to, quote, take him at his word and say he feels badly about it. even some of trump's closest allies taking issue with the president today. like the former u.n. secretary nikki haley. she said americans who know the cruelty that was placed on otto warmbier by the north korean regime. we will never forget otto. "outfront" now, john kasich, former republican governor of ohio, former 2016 presidential candidate. look, he is from ohio, and i know you've been in touch with his family, his parents. one can only imagine what they went through. >> imagine what the mom and dad are thinking today when they heard these words. i got a lot of phone calls from people in ohio saying can you even believe he did this. it's just completely inexcusable. and i remember when otto was first taken. i had conversations with mrs. warmbier. got bill richardson in the middle of it, trying to get