launch missiles and rockets. do you launch your troops which is keeping them ready just in case? what now? >> i think it's important for our readiness that we continue to do these exercises. i do think we need to see if kim reacts in a military way and restarts missile launches, perhaps those nuclear tests. we don't know how he's going to react. one thing is for sure, though, just because he wasn't testing and he claimed he won't test in the future, doesn't mean he isn't trying. it doesn't mean he isn't still purchasing missile material and building more rockets. so he's going to continue to advance his program. i think there is some estimates that he built even several more missiles in just the period between singapore and hanoi. so his program is going to continue and the clock really, in my view, is on kim's side, not ours. >> that's one of the big problems, john, that i think president trump ran into here which is that he didn't get a