and too often we end up getting shunted into one of those private rooms in the back. >> anthony: well, i'm glad i could help and to many more cold beers. >> president obama: i appreciate it. absolutely. ♪ >> president obama: all right. you're going to have to -- >> anthony: i will walk you through. >> president obama: you're gonna have to walk me through this. >> anthony: we're about to eat bún cha. and it is about as typical and uniquely a hanoi dish as there is. these beautiful little pork patties, grilled pork belly. bun cha is served in a broth of vinegar, sugar, and the ubiquitous nuoc cham, or vietnamese fermented fish sauce. chilies to taste. i mean, if you have an important state function after, you might not want to go too heavy on the garlic. >> president obama: you know what, i'm going with this thing. you know? we're gonna do what's appropriate. >> anthony: a little vinegar. >> president obama: all right. >> anthony: and then you just hack off noodles, you just drop them in your bowl. >> president obama: yeah, that's