and there's going to be a legal battle. >> the hillary clinton and they did wind up releasing a lot of 302s and it could be that what they did there has set the precedent for legal battles going forward about getting our hands on the documents used in the trump investigation. >> i think this is also why you see this bipartisan push on capitol hill to have a different sort of regulation going forward. we see republican senator chuck grassley with chris coons saying we need more than what the regulations provide because under the regulations they can say mueller is done, good-bye. i don't have to tell you any more. >> they can give him a one-pager and look at the indictment in the public record. >> oh, my god, can you imagine? >> if that would be the answer? >> i think some important precedents have been set. the justice department as much as they would like to close the barn doors, i think all the farm