rosenstein set to leave the justice department in mid march. we previously reported that rosenstein planned to step down after the senate confirmed bill barr as attorney general. a justice official confirmed this more precise timing but said it has nothing to do with the latest revelations from andrew mccabe. the former acting fbi director claims that rosenstein suggested wearing a wire to secretly record president trump and that he talked about a strategy for ousting the president under the 25th amendment. yesterday mr. trump shared his feelings about mccabe and rosenstein saying that they were planning a very illegal act in a, quote, illegal and treasonist insurance policy. lindsey graham says that his panel will investigate those comments from mccabe regarding the 25th amendment. big questions swirling in washington this morning as the director of national intelligence, dan coats, the next top administration official to go. chris ready the ceo of news max he says he spoke to the president and other officials personally this weekend at