there's no denying a lot has been happening since he signed the order on friday diverting military money for wall construction. what's missing, though, is much of anything from the president himself. he said nothing about it at a rally today in south florida before heading back to washington. in fact, he's had little to say on the subject all weekend from mar-a-lago and we've seen no evidence he's done anything, either. now, in fairness, there may be little to do until the pentagon determines how the money can be moved around. but apart from a briefing he got on this on friday, there's no indication from the white house that he's had any substantiative briefings, meetings, or calls on this so-called emergency since then, which is odd, given the picture that he painted on friday. >> we're talking about an invasion of our country, with drugs, with human traffickers, with all types of criminals and gangs. i said, listen, we have tremendous amounts of fentanyl coming into our country. kills tens of thousands of people.