bureaucracy, you know, once you start an investigation, it's hard to stop it even if individuals leave. and that is the response of a serious investigator but also someone who knows how the fbi bureaucracy works by putting something in motion that would outlast him. as, in fact, it did because did he get fired and the russia investigation continued. >> he said wanted to put russia case on solid ground in case i was fired. that case could not be closed or vanished in the night. wanted to make sure our case was on solid ground. >> and noting too of course when scott asked him how long was it after that you decided to start the obstruction, the counterintel investigation, very clear, it was the next day for those exact reasons. >> it was clear it was his view and the view of many that the president fired comey, to listen to the president, he didn't like how the russia investigation was going. so mccabe obviously had to worry about the future of that investigation. >> and we know from the excerpts of the book that i think the