special counsel's office is really focused on their relationship x that's what they say is at the heart of that investigation. that relationship. what was paul manafort promising him? it could have to do with the sanctions, obviously. so that's what came up in that long hearing that was eventually the transcript was released. for me what's interesting is there's this ongoing battle that is still going on with paul manafort. i think we need to move on from this. the yuj is partly to blame on this and she's druing this out. what's the point? he's already pled guilty and he's ready for sentence, let's move on, but the judge is drawing this out and she keeps asking them to file things and she keeps having hearings and maybe today we'll get answers, but it's time we move from this point. >> is it or could it be and i hate to use speculation, but again, if you look at the prosecution memo, that meeting and what happened at that meeting is of significance to the special counsel. that's what they say, and again,