senators, a lot of them won't like that option. and then that creates all kinds of new problems, too. i hope that the legislative morass gets untangled in the next four days. i think trump will go to the emergency option if he has to. >> you heard her say even republicans won't go along with it. but they are going along with his demands right now, joe. when republicans controlled congress, this didn't come up. this could have been resolved then. >> i think they're uncomfortable with it but they won't oppose the president. donald trump has managed to seize control of the republican party and all of these men and women, in particular in the senate, know when they face re-election in 2020, if trump says you've crossed me, they'll have a hard time winning. i think there's a little bit of context for all of this. and it's been forgotten a little bit. trump made immigration and the wall the central issue of the midterms.