it is. it's up on the screen. the state bar of texas. that was back in 1986. she has been dogged by this story for a while. does this change anything for her, you think? >> i think it does somewhat. she didn't handle it well at all, not that you can handle things that oughtn't to have been there in the first place. she had family lore that she probably had some ancestry there. let's assume she was telling us the truth when she said i wasn't trying to do anything special. i just was proud of it. but she kept on and kept on, and people have the right to wonder about that. were you just using it for your political advantage? and then when she didn't immediately renounce it and say, you're right. i shouldn't put this because i can't prove this, she doubles down. she tries to prove it. no. she comes up with something that's terrible, and she digs herself a deeper hole. >> yeah. >> so you can think if you want that she wasn't quite coming clean with us to begin with or not, but she didn't handle it