sunday? >> i mean, i think a fair amount. at the end of the day, everyone in new orleans is a big football fan. there are plenty of bars and restaurants and fans that are saying they are going to boycott it. there's going to be a big music festival in the city that's a way for them to boycott the super bowl giving them another opportunity to do something instead of supporting the nfl. but ultimately, i think they are probably curious to see how much the saints game is brought up, if the league or the announcers say anything about that outcome of that game, but certainly people are frustrated now and have heard plenty people say they might not get tickets next year. this is going to stink for a long time. >> good to have you with us. thank you. >> thank you. hour two, i'm erika hill in for brooke baldwin. president trump is in a particular place on this wednesday. he's at odds with and lashing out at his top officials. kicking things off this mornin ,