analyst. you think this is going to backfire on both sides. do you think this is strategy at all for team cohen to have this committee issue a subpoena? >> i don't think so. i don't think he wants to testify at all. i think that's why he backed off of his voluntary appearance in front of the house committee. but, you know, i don't think either side is going to win here. i think they're both foolish to call him at all, frankly, because on the democrats side, once we learned he wasn't going to be able to say anything interesting, he wasn't going to be able to testify about any of the ongoing investigations, all he's going to say is here is how badly president trump treated me and here is all the dirt on him. >> isn't he also going to talk about the hush money? >> i don't think so. that's the problem. he could probably talk about the medallion case if it's wrapped up. we still have unnamed suspects in the indictments. once it became clear he wasn't