are willing to go, what kind of progressive platforms and policy ideas they're willing to embrace and then the candidates who are considered more centrists. that battle is the one that she is setting up with this policy proposal and because she has planted this flag, we can expect that all of the other candidates and potential candidates are going to be asked about this and just asked, where do you fall on this issue? are you to the left of her, to the right of her, do you agree with this proposal and like this proposal? >> i'm curious from our republican anna navarro first, what do you think of this? >> well, i don't like it. it doesn't appeal to me. i will tell you that when i -- when i listen to the proposal, it almost feels to me like elizabeth warren is trying to somehow ride alexandria ocasio-cortez's coat tails. i think she's trying to get in on that brown girl magic, you know. alexandria ocasio-cortez was instagramming live from her kitchen. elizabeth warren was instagramming live from her