doing. as you know, i have had many years of experience. it's my job to try to explain things to people. i will not explain it from a particular perspective, just what i think. i will be like a umpire calling balls and strikes. and that is what i have been about my career. nobody will appreciate me and talk me in to -- nobody will pressure me and not talk me had in to anything. this is not promoting me, this is doing a job for cnn and helping people understand as best i can, the way things work on the inside and sometimes we will talk about stories that have nothing to do with politics that can give people some hope about what they can do to change the world as we have done on your show before. >> i like all of it. you are always welcome. >> let's get at it. >> let's get after it you have to get the expression. it's not go for it. it's let's get after it. >> all right. >> here's the first pitch, william barr, do you believe the american people can trust what he said today, he is independent